Large-scale test collections play a crucial role in Information Retrieval (IR) research. However, according to the Cranfield paradigm and the research into publicly available datasets, the existing information retrieval research studies are commonly developed on small-scale datasets that rely on human assessors for relevance judgments — a time-intensive and expensive process. Recent studies have shown the strong capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in producing reliable relevance judgments with human accuracy but at a greatly reduced cost. In this paper, to address the missing large-scale ad-hoc document retrieval dataset, we extend the TREC Deep Learning Track (DL) test collection via additional language model synthetic labels to enable researchers to test and evaluate their search systems at a large scale. Specifically, such a test collection includes more than 1,900 test queries from the previous years of tracks. We compare system evaluation with past human labels from past years and find that our synthetically created large-scale test collection can lead to highly correlated system rankings.
title={Syndl: A large-scale synthetic test collection for passage retrieval},
author={Rahmani, Hossein A and Wang, Xi and Yilmaz, Emine and Craswell, Nick and Mitra, Bhaskar and Thomas, Paul},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.16312},