Hossein A. Rahmani

PhD Student • Web Intelligence Group (WI)UCL Centre for Artificial IntelligenceUCL




UCL AI Centre
90 High Holborn
University College London

I am a first-year PhD student in Computer Science at the University College London (UCL), affiliated with Web Intelligence Group (WI) at UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence (UCL AI Center). I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Emine Yilmaz and Nick Craswell. I am working on problems at the intersection of Machine Learning and Information Retrieval. My research interests are mainly in recommender systems, bias and fairness, and conversational systems.

Prior to that, I obtained my MSc in Computer Science from University of Zanjan (ZNU), where I was advised by Prof. Mohsen Afsharchi and Dr. Mitra Baratchi (co-supervisor from Leiden University) and worked on context-aware recommender systems. I received my B.Sc. degree from the University of Zanjan.

CV / Google Scholar

recent news [news]

May 2, 2024 Our paper on the role of user profile in the personalization of LLMs is out!
Apr 2, 2024 LLMJudge challenge is officially launched! The LLMJudge challenge aims to explore an alternative approach by using LLMs to generate relevance judgments. Website / GitHub
Mar 23, 2024 Serving as PC for ACL and EMNLP 2024 🤗
Mar 20, 2024 Can we build a reliable synthetic test collection for evaluation? To answer this question please check our recent paper on the construction fully synthetic test collection for IR evaluation which has been accepted by SIGIR ‘24 🥳.
Feb 23, 2024 Serving as PC for SIGIR 2024 :smile:

selected publications [publications]

  1. Bias@ECIR
    The Unfairness of Active Users and Popularity Bias in Point-of-Interest Recommendation
    Hossein A. Rahmani, Yashar Deldjoo, Ali Tourani, and Mohammadmehdi Naghiaei
    Third International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation (Bias@ECIR), 2022
  2. ECIR
    Joint Geographical and Temporal Modeling based on Matrix Factorization for Point-of-Interest Recommendation
    Hossein A. Rahmani, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Mitra Baratchi, and Fabio Crestani
    European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2020